Publication Information
Ultraman Great is the only Australian Ultraman to be produced in the Ultra series, as well as the first English-speaking Ultraman, the first Ultra produced outside of Japan, and the first Ultraman of the Heisei era. The series that Ultraman Great headlined was titled Ultraman: Towards the Future. Great's design is unique compared to those of the other Ultra Crusaders; his Color Timer is triangular, and his non-red body color is silver-white, as opposed to other Ultra Crusaders's red and silver colourations.
Ultraman : Towards The Future
Jack Shindo and Stanley Haggard are members of the first manned expedition to Mars, and on the red planet find a giant slug-like monster called Gudis. Suddenly the giant warrior, Ultraman Great, arrives and fights Gudis, but is knocked down for a period. Shindo is pinned by a rockslide and Haggard tries to escape in their ship but is blown up by Gudis. It is then that Great gets up, and when he is on the verge of victory Gudis changes into a virus and travels to Earth, where it mutates other creatures into monsters and awakens existing ones. Needing a human host to survive on Earth, Great joins with Jack, allowing him to become the mighty alien when all seems lost. He joins the Universal Multipurpose Agency, or UMA, in order to help them battle the monsters.
Mega Monster Battle : Ultra Galaxy Legends: The Movie
After Ultraman Belial was freed from his prison, he went to cause rampage to the Land of Light. Ultraman Great, Ultraman Powered, and The Ultra Force, among many other Ultramen, fought Belial, only to be easily beaten by the traitorous former Ultraman.
Ultraman Zero The Movie : Super Deciding Fight! The Belial Galactic Empire
Much like his appearance in the previous film, Great does not make a prominent role in the film. He, along with the rest of the populations of the Land of Light, gives his light for Zero to another universe to solve the mysteries. When Belial sends his army to destroy the Land of Light, he and every Ultra went to space and fight his army but was defeated for a moment. Later, when Zero defeats Belial, he and the rest of the Ultraman populations were victorious.
Other Appeareance
- Ultraman Great has also starred in a Manga called Ultraman G by Mangataka Shimamoto Kazuhiko.
- He also starred in two comic series, Ultraman Great, and Ultraman Negative One, where his identity was merged with Ultraman's
- Great appeared in SD The Great Battle II: Last Fighter Twin, along with Alien Mefilas.
- Burning Plasma : Ultraman Great's signature move. Great pulls his arms apart in a vertical angle, and fires out two blue beams that can kill monsters in one blow. This can be charged for a much more powerful variation of the attack, which is red and fiery. It is Great's strongest attack.
Finger Beam : A needle-like beam Great fires from his fingertips.
- Double Finger Beam : The Finger Beam fired from both hands.
- Magnum Shoot : By absorbing his enemy's attack in his hands, Great can fire it back at them, either in the same way or as a sphere. This may purify foes of diseases like the Gudis virus or can cripple them.
- Triangle Shield : Great can create a triangular shield with his hands and reflect whatever hits the shield.
- Dissolver : Atom smashing rays shot from the hands, used to destroy the corpse of a dead monster. Can also be fired as a projectile.
- Disc Beam : Energy condensed and thrown in the shape of a disc.
- Knuckle Bolt : Electric currents fired from the fist.
- Star Beam : A cutting ray Great can shoot from his fingertips. Used to defeat Bios.
- Palm Shooter : Great can shoot powerful energy balls from his palms.
- Knuckle Shooter : Great can emit powerful energy balls from his knuckles.
- Energy Beam : Great can emit powerful energy balls from his palms.
- Arrow Beam : A beam fired from the position of firing an arrow. Used to defeat Barrangas.
- Great Slicer : Great can generate blade-like energy from the fingers and cut through the enemy.
- Double Great Slicer : Great can create a blade of energy from his hands that can slice through just about anything.
- Great Guard : Great uses his arms to protect himself from energy projectile attacks.
- Perspective Ray : Great can look for hidden enemies with rays of light that emanate from both eyes
- Great Shoot : Great shoots twin energy bolts at point blank.
- Great Punch : A powerful punch.
- Great Chop : A powerful chop.
- Great Kick : A powerful Kick.
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Wikipedia / ultra.wikia