Chaos Ultraman / Chaos Ultraman Calamity was a dark clone of Ultraman Cosmos that was summoned with the hero after Musashi was infected by Chaos Organisms. This vile warrior of evil was capable of matching the guardian’s moves, able to fight back unlike that of any other agent of Chaos and he outlasted the guardian, surviving as Ultraman Cosmos ran out of energy.
Chaos Ultraman

- Chaos Ultraman
- Japanese : カオスウルトラマン
- Version : Ultraman Cosmos
- Height : 47 m
- Weight : 42,000 t
- Flight Speed : Mach 7
- Running Speed : Mach 2
- Activity time : Unlimited
- Type : Dark clone of Ultraman Cosmos
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : P87 Spot in the Andromeda Galaxy
- Appeareance : Ultraman Cosmos
- Calamium Shot : Due to him being a copy of Ultraman Cosmos Eclipse mode, he is able to fire a Dark version of Cosmium Ray.
- Calamity Blade : Chaos Ultraman's version of the Eclipse Blade.
- Breaking Smash : A more powerful form of the Dark Bullets, this one can be charged up and fired in succession. Chaos Ultraman Calamity's version of the Eclipse Spark.
- Darkness Wheel : Chaos Ultraman Calamity can use blasts made of its body to infect others with Chaos Organism as well as wear down force fields.
- Chaos Dark Barrier : An equal to Ultraman Cosmos’ Golden Light Barrier, he can use this to block attacks or send it forward, weakening whatever it hits.
- Energy Deflect : When needed, Chaos Ultraman Calamity can deflect energy blasts with his hands.
- Chaos Cloud : Chaos Ultraman Calamity can reduce himself into a cloud of Chaos Organisms. This can also be used for sneak attacks.
- Speed : Chaos Ultraman Calamity can move at incredible speed for brief period of time like Cosmos, for example, numerous back flips at blinding speeds like a large buzzsaw.

Chaos Ultraman Calamity

- Chaos Ultraman Calamity
- Japanese : カオスウルトラマンカラミティ
- Version : Ultraman Cosmos
- Height : 47 m
- Weight : 42,000 t
- Flight Speed : Mach 7
- Running Speed : Mach 2
- Activity time : Unlimited
- Type : Dark clone of Ultraman Cosmos
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : P87 Spot in the Andromeda Galaxy
- Appeareance : Ultraman Cosmos
- Calamium Shot : Due to him being a copy of Ultraman Cosmos Eclipse mode, he is able to fire a Dark version of Cosmium Ray.
- Calamity Blade : Chaos Ultraman's version of the Eclipse Blade.
- Breaking Smash : A more powerful form of the Dark Bullets, this one can be charged up and fired in succession. Chaos Ultraman Calamity's version of the Eclipse Spark.
- Darkness Wheel : Chaos Ultraman Calamity can use blasts made of its body to infect others with Chaos Organism as well as wear down force fields.
- Chaos Dark Barrier : An equal to Ultraman Cosmos’ Golden Light Barrier, he can use this to block attacks or send it forward, weakening whatever it hits.
- Energy Deflect : When needed, Chaos Ultraman Calamity can deflect energy blasts with his hands.
- Chaos Cloud : Chaos Ultraman Calamity can reduce himself into a cloud of Chaos Organisms. This can also be used for sneak attacks.
- Speed : Chaos Ultraman Calamity can move at incredible speed for brief period of time like Cosmos, for example, numerous back flips at blinding speeds like a large buzzsaw.

Chaosroids created by Alien Mefilas using Chaos Header in Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth The Chaosroids are the copies of three Ultra Brothers. They are based on Ultraman, Ultraseven and Ultraman Taro and were created to wreak havoc on the Land of Light so Mefilas could conquer it.
Chaosroid S

- Chaosroid S
- Japanese : カオスロイドS
- Version : Ultraman Cosmos
- Label : Game
- Height : 40 m
- Weight : 35,000 t
- Flight Speed :
- Running Speed :
- Activity time :
- Creators : Alien Mefilas
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Chaos Header
- Appeareance : Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth Episode 12 : M78 Crisis
As Chaosroid S gain the upper hand, he charges the Ultra Key while preparing to blow Seven away. Seven absorbed solar energy and battles Chaosroid S for the second time and fires the Emerium Ray on the clone while gaining the upper hand on it. He died after Ultraseven destroy him with his Wide Shot while regaining back the Ultra Key.
- Chaos Wide Shot : Chaosroid S can a fire a red colored version of Ultraseven's Wide Shot.
- Chaos Eye Beam : Chaosroid S can fire a small beam from his eyes exactly like Ultraseven's Eye Beam
- Chaos Emerium Ray : Chaosroid S can fire a dark version of the Emerium Ray that is purple in color
- Chaoslugger : Like Ultraseven's Eye Slugger, Chaosroid S can launch his Chaosluggers from his head as a weapon. It can be duplicated and if lost a new one can be conjured in its place.
- Ultra Key : Stolen from the Ultra Tower, its power can destroy a planet in one shot.
- Psychic Power : Chaosroid S possesses powerful psychic abilities that can levitate enemies.

- Chaosroid T
- Japanese : カオスロイドT
- Version : Ultraman Cosmos
- Label : Game
- Height : 55 m
- Weight : 50,000 t
- Flight Speed :
- Running Speed :
- Activity time :
- Creators : Alien Mefilas
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Chaos Header
- Appeareance : Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth Episode 12 : M78 Crisis
As Taro was about to perform Storium Ray, Chaosroid T used the Ultra Bell to knock him down. With Chaosroid T firing his Chaos Storium Beam, Taro regains his strength and evades it with his shield. Taro uses the Bracelet Lancer to impale the clone. He died after Taro use the Ultra Dynamite attack while regaining back the Ultra Bell.
- Chaos Storium Ray : Chaosroid T can fire an dark version of the Storium Ray that is purple color
- Chaos Dynamite : Like Ultraman Taro's Ultra Dynamite, Chaosroid T can use a dark version of the Ultra Dynamite that is purple in color.
- Chaos Arrow Ray : Chaosroid T can fire explosive energy arrows from the sides of his head exactly like Ultraman Taro's Arrow Ray.
- Ultra Bell : Stolen from the Ultra Tower. It can make a deafening noise to anyone who hears it.

- Chaosroid U
- Japanese : カオスロイドU
- Version : Ultraman Cosmos
- Label : Game
- Height : 45 m
- Weight : 50,000 t
- Flight Speed :
- Running Speed :
- Activity time :
- Creators : Alien Mefilas
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Chaos Header
- Appeareance : Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth Episode 12 : M78 Crisis
However, the evil clone was too strong and Ultraman was defeated. As Ultraman was just about to die in front of the Plasma Spark, it donates its energy to Ultraman when the Light of Planet Ultra acted and empowered Ultraman who then destroyed Chaosroid U with the Specium Ray. Unlike the other Chaosroids, U did not gain a weap
- Chaos Catch Ring : The dark version of Ultraman's Catch Ring but purple in color.
- Chaos Slash : A larger version of Ultraman's Ultra Slash that is purple in color. It is formed from Chaosroid U's entire right arm and will return to his arm if it does not hit its intended target. In Ultraman Ginga : Theater Special, the Chaos Slash is simply a purple version of Ultraman's Ultra Slash
- Chaos Specium Ray : A dark version of Ultraman's Specium Ray.
- Chaos Slash Ray : Chaosroid U can fire Ultraman's Slash Ray and it does not seem to be any different to the original.
- Strength : Chaosroid U most likely possesses Ultraman's ability to mentally augment his strength