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Original Ultra Garrison Team Member (1967)

Publication Information

Ultra Garrison is a fictional defense force in Ultraseven, formed by Commander Kaoru Kiriyama. It acted more as an elite fighting force than an investigative unit but their duties did include such operations. They were an umbrella organization of the Earth Defense Force, the same organization that backed all the Attack Teams of the Showa Universe save GUYS.



It was first commissioned three years after the Science Special Search Party, or SSSP faced the forces of Planet Zetton. Kiriyama became the captain of this defense squad as Ultra One and was then joined by Arashi, Ultra Two, then Soga Ultra Three, Amagi Ultra Four than finally Anne who was codenamed Ultra Five. A few months later they fought Alien cool which is Dan Moroboshi joined as Ultra Six. He joined in their effort to protect the Earth from Alien invaders and/or their terrible monsters.Then during Alien Cool's attack on Earth another Alien appeared, but instead of attacking the Earth like Alien Cool the new Alien defeated Alien Cool and rescued all the hostages Alien Cool had kidnapped, amazed by the new aliens help, the Ultra Garrison made the Alien their unofficial seventh member, Ultraseven. Unknown to them until their lat battle with Pandon, Dan revealed that he was Ultra Seven.

Heisei Ultraseven (1994)

The Heisei Ultraseven revealed an alternate timeline where the event took place with Ultraseven was the only the Ultraman to come to Earth. The Ultra Garrison were under Furuhashi's leadership and after Ultraseven's return to Earth but in a comatose state, the team and the whole TDF resort to protect him by placing the Ultra inside a warehouse. When two Second Generation Alien Pitts tried to invade the Earth by having Anne's son, Dan as a hostage and killing Ultraseven. However, the Ultra awoke from his slumber and foil Alien Pitts' plans with the help of TDF. Since then, Ultraseven had been assisting the new Ultra Garrison in protecting the Earth.

Heisei Ultraseven (1998 - Evolution)

When most of the Ultra Garrison members had promoted to the TDF officers, new members joined in lead by Captain Shiragane. Dan/Ultraseven secretly assisted them by capturing one of them, Masaki Kazimori and placed the boy inside his capsule while disguised as the said boy. Sometime later, Alien Valkryie had destroyed the TDF Lunar Base and sets his eye to eliminate Ultraseven by possessing each members of the Ultra Garrison as Dan/Seven knocked them one-by-one until there was only Kazimori under his control. At his own pleading Dan shot the boy, mortally wounding him. With his host now useless Valkyrie attempted to take over Dan, but he realised that his possession on Ultras would be beyond his powers and instead grew into giant form to battle Seven.

Ultraseven Evolution (2002) Five years after Ultraseven left the Earth again, Kazimori had retired from the team.



Kaoru Kiriyama

Kaoru Kiriyama Commander Kaoru Kiriyama is the captain of the Ultra Garrison. A no-nonsense but kind leader. He is from Tokyo.

Shigeru Furuhashi

Shigeru Furuhashi Shigeru Furuhashi is a rotund, strong, trigger-happy member of the Ultra Garrison. Many years later, he would find himself a high-ranking TDF commander and one of Ultra Seven's few allies. He is from Hokkaido.

Anne Yuri

Anne Yuri Anne Yuri is the only female member of the Ultra Garrison, and also the youngest. She is the team's communications operator and nurse, but is still effective in action. Has feelings for fellow member Dan Moroboshi. She is also from Tokyo. Suprisingly, she also one the few person to uncover Dan's identity as Ultraseven after witnessing his Ultra Eye.


Soga Soga is Ultra Garrison's expert marksman. He is easy-going, but fierce in battle. He is a friend of Dan Moroboshi. He is from Southern Kyushu.


Amagi Amagi is the twitchy strategist. He is from Nagoya. Actor : Bin "Satoshi" Furuya. Trivia : The actor was also the original suit actor for Ultraman.

Dan Moroboshi

He is from the Land of Light in the Nebula M78, the same planet as Ultraman. Originally sent to map the Milky Way, he visits Earth and it captivates him. On his first visit he saves the life of a young mountain climber named Jiro Satsuma, who nearly falls to his death while saving a fellow climber.


Shigeru Furuhashi

Shigeru Furuhashi A member of the original Ultra Garrison the now captain Furuhashi leads the new generation in defending the Earth. The veteran is happy to help Ultraseven and repay his friend for the all hard work and suffering he endured for humanity. He is later promoted to a staff member in the TDF and command of the Ultra Garrison is handed over to Shiragane.


Member Kaji First apppeared in operation Solar Energy, he was promoted to TDF staff with Furuhashi. Known as a man with dashing good looks he becomes a war hawk after his promotion. It he who launched a 'preemptive strike' against the Nonmalt that formerly attacked Earth but where now in 'friendly relations', causing the entire situation in the second series.


Togo Togo A man with calm judgement, he was the lieutenant of the team. Played by Matsuyama Takashi.


Risa The only female member at the time, she is a skilled martial artist have taken on Alien Metron Jr by herself.

Dan Moroboshi

1998 / 1999 / Evolution Team

Sanshiro Shiragane

Sanshiro Shiragane Captain Sanshiro Shiragane The third generation captain of the Ultra Garrison, he is a man known for not making rash decsisions. He is very intuitive, being that he figured out Kazimori was Ultraseven. He previously had a wife, Shoko (Played by Shimazaki Michiko) who died during a traffic accident to save a child. Both mother and unborn infant died. Played by Koji Nanjo.

Kazamori Masaki

Kazamori Masaki The human host of Ultraseven in the second and third Heisei series, Kazimori is a strong willed and moral young man who does the right thing even if he himself questions it or it goes against his superiors.

Keisuke Shima

Keisuke Shima The resident strong man on the team, Shima is the weapons expert and also the resident martial arts expert. He is often paired with Kazimori with whom he shares a similar level of immaturity. Despite this he can be mature when the situation calls for it and is a rather determined fighter in battle. As shown in Ultraseven Evolution his greatest mental weakness is he belief that physical ability will always save him.

Takuma Mizuno

Takuma Mizuno The resident tech expert and genius of the team Mizuno is often the go to guy to explain the science behind certain alien plots and schemes and the situation the team faces. In Ultraseven Evolution his weakness was shown to be his overzealous belief that knowledge will show the path to mankind's salvation. Played by Koga Wataru.

Hayakawa Satomi

Hayakawa Satomi One of the more mature members of the team Satomi was perhaps the first to suspect Kazimori when he was replaced by Ultraseven, perhaps showing concern for him when the two switched places, since Seven would be going into a dangerous situation. Before Ultraseven Evolution she had taken to novel writing.

Honjou Rumi

Honjou Rumi The youngest of the team and the resident communication analyst, Rumi spent most of her time in the control room directing the others in combat or to a mission. She was also the girlish of all the Heisei female members and childish.

Kisaragi Yuki

Kisaragi Yuki Originally an orphan Yuki was raised by a disguised Alien Pegassa who had lost her own child when Pegassa City was destroyed. Ignorant of her step-mother true nature, she grew up hating aliens for the death of her parents.

Dan Moroboshi

Mecha and Armaments

  • Suits : The UG suits are tight and retain body heat to serve as emergency space suits in combination with the helemts. In the Heisei series their color is changed from grey to blue.
  • Helmets : Made for combat, they can also serve as emergency breathing aparature, when used with the UG suits can function as makeshift space suits. They also store emergency rations.
  • Video Seaver : The wrist mounted communication devices all UG members wear. Waterproof with camera's, speakers and a microphone. Become voice only when piloting any of the Ultra Hawks.
  • Ultra Gun : The formal gun worn by all EDF members, a basic ray gun, it can fire heat rays, be used as a stun gun, or ignite gunpowder for a projectile. In the Heisei era it was changed to fire an actual projectile. In Ultraseven X the organization DEUS has a similarly named weapon which looks very different.
  • Electro H Gun : A rapid fire artillery rocket used Soga and Furuhashi, primarily in Episode 11.
  • Ultra Hawk 1 : (TDF UH001) Max Speed: Mach 4, Crew: 6, Length: 42m, Width: 20m, Weight: 74 t. Can seperate into three sub plane:

    • Ultra Hawk Alpha (UH001-1) the front part
    • Ultra Hawk Beta (UH001-2) the middle and the end
    • Ultra Hawk Gamma (UH001-3)

  • Armed with :

    • Lasers and missiles
    • frefridgeration bullets
    • digbuster missiles
    • Can drop magnetically attached bombs in the Heisei series. In the atmosphere it flied like a normal jet, but in space it uses Ion Propulsion to move.

  • Ultra Hawk 2 : (TDF UH002) Max Speed: Mach 5 (Air) Speed of Light (Space), Crew: 4, Length: 64m, Width: 12m, Weight: 62t Designed for space combat, it is shaped like a rocket and often used for space rescue missions. The interior Hull has a metal covering that absorbs heat from the unfiltered sun. It has solar panels and batteries for the storied power. It is armed with a laser gun on the nose.
  • Ultra Hawk 3 : (TDF UH002) Max Speed: Mach 5 (Air) Speed of Light (Space), Crew: 4, Length: 64m, Width: 12m, Weight: 62t. A special machine made to back up Ultra Hawk 1 and reconnaissance. It can be piloted by one person while the maximum crew is five people. It is armed with ground-to-air missiles, lasers, anti aircraft weapons, a self destruct mechanism and is generally used to deploy the Magmariser.
  • Ultra Guard : Shaped like a real fighter, they are VTOLs with a three man crew. First scene in a test for Ultra Garrison candidates.
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / ultra.wikia
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