Publication Information
Ultraseven's Superior is a being from the Land of Light that appears in the last two episodes of the Ultraseven series. While unnamed in the original series, he was refered to as Alien M78 in the script, and in the TNT English Dub he is named Rutler. Also known as Constant Observer of Point No. 340 as Seven was also known as Star Charter No. 340. He appears exactly like Ultraseven, with no difference at all.
Ultraseven fought so much on Planet Earth, his energy was almost depleted, after Dan Moroboshi was weakened, he decided to rest. Suddenly, a hologram of a being similar to Ultraseven, appeared in front of Dan, telling him that he is unable to fight, and that he should go back to his home world, Dan refuses, as he wants to stay on Earth to keep defending it, the hologram begins to get angry, and takes Moroboshi's Ultra Eye and throws it at a clock.
This character's personality is very similar to Zoffy's, he acts with a dominant and serious nature, but is shown a caring side as he sees Seven in grave danger. However, a trace is seen in him that is not seen in any other Ultra, in that he didn't care for humanity at all. Also there is the fact that Seven's superior never came to Earth, the Ultra Brothers all came to adore the people of Earth due to their prolonged time on the planet while he had not and therefore bore no connection to humanity. Seven's original series was meant to be more mature and was originally intended to be separate from Ultraman's despite the two coming from the same place.
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Wikipedia / ultra.wikia