Ultraman Dyna is the protagonist of the TV Series Ultraman Dyna. Ultraman Dyna is a very skilled Ultra, as he is the successor of Ultraman Tiga, the ancient Warrior of Light, bearing abilities similar to him. His human host is Asuka Shin, a very funny, sporty, somewhat shy yet serious in proper situations guy. Asuka is a member of the Super GUTS squad, a group of heroes that defend Earth from invaders from space.
In the finale of the series, Ultraman Dyna was believed to be dead, but he was without knowledge teleported by a worm hole to a gap between dimensions. Eventually finding himself in the M78 universe (original series continuity). Later on, at the request of the Pendragon Crew, he teleported to the Monster Graveyard, where he had a great encounter with the original Ultramen.
Shin Asuka / Ultraman Dyna
Shin Asuka is the main protagonist of Ultraman Dyna and is Ultraman Dyna's human host. Aged 22 years old in the series, he is light-hearted overall, and is one of the rare Ultra human hosts who also serves as the comic relief of the main cast. Asuka often whines and pouts immaturely, and sometimes pretends to be killed in combat just to see his teammates freak out. Despite his immature outlook, he can also be headstrong and overly courageous, fending off aliens far stronger than normal humans with only his hand-to-hand combat skills. His well-known motto is "Never give up", stemming from his character development as his series progresses. Using the Reflasher, he transforms into Ultraman Dyna by raising the object in mid-air.
Publication Information
However, he would then show off his skills by defeating the newly created monster: Neo-Drambia. Some of the older members of the TPC contingent in the colony believe it is Ultraman Tiga, returned and renewed. The elder officers, however, realize that it isn't Tiga, but may be another guardian like him. Asuka as the Ultraman faces Darambia and finally defeats him.
Terrestrial Peaceable Consortium (TPC)
Earth Peace Union TPC is an organization that founded by Sawai during his time as the secretary general of the United Nations back in the 20th century (2005). The organization specializes in technology development and innovation, which continued to the terraformation of Mars during the Neo Frontier era (2017).
Super GUTS (Super Global Unlimited Task Squad)
Special Investigation Team Super GUTS is the main attack team of Ultraman Dyna and the direct successor of GUTS, formed in the Neo Frontier Era. Their main catchphrase is the English word "Roger!" when receiving orders, followed by the thumbs up gesture. Like GUTS, this group also had its branches from around the world in conjunction to the TPC.
Super GUTS Members:
- Gousuke Hibiki : Aged 46 years old and the team captain. He is loud and boisterous, often joking with his subordinates and shouting orders. At the same time, however, he is a caring leader with a good heart and good intentions for Super GUTS. Back in the era of Ultraman Tiga, he worked as a TPC officer who participated in the evacuation of villagers when Fire Golza attacked.
- Toshiyuki Kohda : Aged 34 years old. He usually takes the front step in various operations and eventually promoted to the rank Sub-Captain in episode 34. He is usually at odds with Asuka due to the latter's recklessness.
- Ryo Yumimura : Aged 27 years old. The tomboy ace pilot of Super GUTS, who is usually at odds with Asuka for his goof ball antics and recklessness, while ironically were partnered with each other during certain missions.
- Kouhei Kariya : Aged 28 years old. An expert of shooting of the Super GUTS and is well versed in archaeology. This kind of knowledge proves beneficial in episodes 21 and 28. His favorite drink is coffee, which he usually drinks in his silver TPC mug.
- Tsutomu Nakajima : Aged 29, and is the pudgy technician and researcher of the Super GUTS team. He often becomes panicked or overly serious and his favorite food is fried chicken. His GUTS senior is Masami Horii, both having cooperated once to implant a tracker on Geomos during its attack on Osaka
- Mai Midorikawa : Aged 18 years old and originated from Aichi Prefecture. A cute, bubbly, loud cadet-type with little combat experience, Mai mostly serves as the communication person and stays behind at the base. Usually tying her hair, Mai's hairstyle changes to short as of episode 31 and briefly in Ultraman Dyna Gaiden has a long red hair.
- Shin Asuka / Ultraman Dyna : Is the main protagonist of Ultraman Dyna and is Ultraman Dyna's human host. Aged 22 years old in the series, he is light-hearted overall, and is one of the rare Ultra human hosts who also serves as the comic relief of the main cast.
- Hanejiro : A strange alien which Asuka befriended on a mission to Planet Melanie, it first helped Dyna by pointing out a monster's weak spot during a battle, and was since made Super GUTS' "mascot" of sorts. Its name was suggested by Asuka due to noticing Hanejiro's wings. Hanejiro knows of Asuka's true identity as Dyna but is incapable of telling this to the Super GUTS members.
Black Buster Squad
Black Buster Squad is a stealth unit in Ultraman Dyna that was founded by TPC staff Gondo under the TPC Military Police Branch. They were known for their navy blue uniforms and usage of GUTS Shadow, a modified GUTS Wing used for stealth missions. While appeared to be a dependable group, they were secretly corrupted and obeyed Gondo Kihachi's orders.
- Staff Officer Gondo Kihachi : The Black Buster Squad founder and ffiliated with the Military Police branch, his ideals for peace always lies on the military strength, such as founding the stealth team Black Buster Squad under said branch. In Tiga and Dyna, Gondo and Kisaragi created the TPC Battleship Prometheus but was quickly hijacked by Alien Monera.
- Reika Saeki : The female captain of Black Buster. She was the sister of Saeki, whom engineered plan F in the first place. After Zelganoid's attack and Asuka's disappearances, she guided Ryo to Daigo's place and gives the Super GUTS member her GUTS Shadow.
- Kenji Fudo : The brother of Takeru Fudo, Asuka's rival who died in an engine trouble incident when he was a test pilot for the prototype of GUTS Eagle Alpha Superior. Kenji had a great hatred towards Asuka just like his late brother, but he gets over their differences when trying to stop Yamazaki
Superior Universe
After Rena had made everyone remember their original hope, Asuka realize that his original dream which is to become a baseball player along with Gamu, causing their transformation items to appear on their hand and transforms into Dyna and Gaia. After being supported by the citizens, they proceed to free Tiga from the cylinder and defeat the last three monsters King Silvergon, King Goldras & Super Alien Hipporito.
Ultraman Tiga : The Final Odyssey
Two years after Ultraman Tiga defeated Gatanozoa, Asuka salutes the couple Daigo Madoka and Rena Yanase whom later aboard a space shuttle to Mars.
Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Dyna : Warrior of The Star of Light
Taking place during the main series, Asuka as Dyna battles Geranda on the moon along with Super GUTS on their GUTS Eagle. Both monster and Ultra seemed evenly matched in strength and abilities, until Geranda was destroyed by a mysterious battleship. Upon returning to Earth, the Super GUTS team were called to a secret island base stationed on Coreomoes Island (first debuted in Ultraman Tiga). Here they discover that TPC is also responsible for building the space-battleship.
Ultraman Dyna Gaiden : The Return of Hanejiro
Ultraman Dyna reappeared in this movie again as a main protagonist, and fights now the invading forces of the Alien Dehadoh, involving Arwon, Wanzetto, and others.
Ultraman Tiga, Ultraman Dyna, And Ultraman Gaia : Battle in Hyper Space
Ultraman Dyna reappeared in this movie as a minor protagonist, involved in the final battle against King of Mons. Dyna fought Bajiris and eventually destroyed it using the Solgent Ray then when he landed on Earth he gave Gaia a nod and left.
The Superior 8 Ultra Brothers
An alternate version of Ultraman Dyna appeared in this movie as one of the three main heroes in the other dimension to save this world from Giga Chimera.
Mega Monster Battle : Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie
After some time in the dimensional portal Dyna reappeared aboard the ZAP Spacy ship the Pendragon as it was being attacked by Alien Zetton and Narse. After defeating both of them with a little affort, he took the crew to the Monster Graveyard near Nebula M78, home of the Ultras who were like the guardians of light except for their origins being the result of evolution from their artificial sun known as the Plasma Spark. Upon arriving at the Monster Graveyard, Dyna fought Ultraman Belial and managed to hold his own until Ultraman Zero showed up to beat him mercilessly.
Ultraman Saga
Ultraman Dyna reappeared in the movie Ultraman Saga. The events of the movie takes place in an alternate Dimension. Dyna first appeared in the city after Earthron had cause a massive havoc and defeated the Kaiju instantly with the Solgent Ray. later Dyna transformed back into Asuka and join forces with E.D.F., Team U and spent some time with the kids in their care, until he had to face the Gigant Zetton alone and unable to defeat it.
Ultraman Ginga : Dark Spark War
Prior to the Ultraman Ginga television series, Ultraman Dyna participated in the Dark Spark War but this time he fought not only himself but, with the other Ultras that appeared in other series. In the midst of their battle, Dark Lugiel turned every Ultras alongside their allies, kaiju and aliens into Spark Dolls. It was then an unknown warrior appeared and faced Dark Gale but like others he also turned into Spark Dolls but he was kept within his Ginga Spark and fell alongside other Spark Dolls to Earth it is unknown whether Dyna was lost in the town or was kept by Dark Lugiel as his collection.
Ultraman Ginga S Movie Showdown! The 10 Ultra Warriors!
Ultraman Dyna will fight alongside the other Heisei ultra brothers in the upcoming film.
Ultraman Orb : The Origin Saga
To Be Added
Ultraman Dyna
- Ultraman Dyna
- Height : 55 m
- Weight : 45,000 t
- Time Limit : Three minutes
- Flight Speed : Mach 8
- Running Speed : Mach 3
- Burrowing Speed : Mach 2
- Swimming Speed : Mach 2
- Jumping Distance : 1000 meters
- Grip Strength : 60,000 tons
- Flash-Type is Ultraman Dyna's default form. It is similar to Ultraman Tiga's but Tiga was a physical fighter that excelled at Energy manipulation, Dyna's abilities were more focused on beam attacks. His fighting style was similar to the Original Ultraman's, but with more focus on grappling. It was more agile and energetic compared to Tiga's since his show was created to be more lighthearted.
Body Features:
- Dyna's Eyes : Dyna can detect the presence of hidden enemies
- Dyna Crystal : The crystal on Dyna's forehead, it is like the Tiga Crystal in that it the major requirement for Dyna to type change. Unlike Tiga, Dyna can only transform twice in battle, also to transform into any other form he must be in Flash Type meaning it is impossible for him to use all three of his forms in battle. However when facing Deathfacer a second time, he transformed straight into Power Type.
- Dyna Tector : While in Flash-Type, the yellow band around his chest and upper back, it is a protector like Tiga's bands, the sturdiest part of his body and almost indestructible.
- Ultra Armor : When he Type changes into other forms, Dyna trades his Dyna Tector for a normal Ultra Armor which can withstand high heat and low temperatures, his Ultra Armor is resistant to flame and laser beams.
- Arms : Dyna is an Ultra that specializes in Ray attacks, for this his arms can channel several million Horsepower of energy.
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Source :
wikipedia / ultra.wikia