Ultraman the Next, or simply called 'Ultraman' in his world, is the devolved form of Ultraman Noa that he reverted into while he was chasing Beast the One upon entering Earth's atmosphere. In this form many of his powers were locked which he later regained as time passed. The Next was also made as a remake of the original Ultraman, as a result he also known simply as "Ultraman" in his universe, with "The Next" being his code name from the military. Arriving on Earth and merging its life with F-15 pilot Shunichi Maki, the being slowly grew within him.
Shunichi Maki
Shunichi Maki is the ULTRAMAN which serves as a prequel to the TV series Ultraman Nexus. He is chronologically the first Dunamist in the Ultra N Project. Years later, a grown Maki was a fighter pilot and married to his beloved Yoko, with a young boy. Unfortunately his son had a congenital blood disease and the doctor's told him if he got sick again he would not live to see his next birthday. Resolved to spend what little time he may have with his son, Maki resolved to retire. When speaking to his friend and fellow pilot Tsuyoshi Kurashima about his problems, a scramble order was called. An unknown flying object was invading Japanese airspace and refused to answer any hails. The two took of in their jets but Kurashima's plane's instruments began to malfunction, forcing him to return to base. Maki pressed on and when the object disappeared of his radar it appeared right in front of his plane, causing him to crash.
Publication Information
Ultraman Nexus /
Ultraman Noa
Many years after the Next finished his battle with the One, Ultraman awoke from his slumber bearing his fully developed form, Nexus. In this form he merged with other humans, and recovering some of his powers. After he merged with Kazuki Komon, he obtained all of his powers, and became Ultraman Noa, his true form, and defeated his sworn enemy, Dark Zagi, and then stayed on earth to defeat the remain Space Beast , with Kazuki Komon as his host.
Ultraman Zero The Movie : The Revenge of Belial
Ultraman Noa, who appears in this film is the same one who was once the Next. Noa gives the shield of Baraghi, a gathering of spiritual light from all the combatants fighting Belial and his army , to Zero, granting him Ultimate Mode.
Ultraman Ginga : Dark Spark War
During the Dark Spark War, the Next is one of the Ultras seen fighting the deluge of monsters. He too was transformed into a Spark Doll by the Darkness Spark. Unlike his prior appearance, he was fighting in Anphans mode as a giant like the other Ultras.
- Shunichi Maki / Ultraman The Next : Is the ULTRAMAN which serves as a prequel to the TV series Ultraman Nexus. He is chronologically the first Dunamist in the Ultra N Project. Years later, a grown Maki was a fighter pilot and married to his beloved Yoko, with a young boy.
- Takeshi Kurashima : Is a pilot of Royal Japan Air Force and good friends of Shunichi Maki.
- Sara Mizuhara Is a TLT Inspectors and fiance of Udo Takafumi also known as Beast the One monster
- Beast the One : Beast the One is the movie adaption of the kaiju Bemular. Both have the similarity of appearing in a body of water and coming from space, but The One is a being with similarities to the Ultras.
Anphans Form
- Anphans Form
- Origin : Implied To Be Born From Supernova
- Type : Ultras
- Age : Over 350,000 years or older
- Transformation Device : Will Power
- Height : 10 m - 40 m
- Weight : 2.5 tons - 26,000 tons
- Punching :
- Kicking :
- Jump Height :
- Running Speed :
- Armed :
- Weakness :
- Finisher :
- Appearances : ULTRAMAN (2004 Film)
- Body Features :
- Eyes : The Next appeared to have no difficulty fighting the One in a dimly lit environment.
Energy Core: The Next's equivalent to a Color Timer, unlike the normal one it is located with in the body not outside. It goes of when the Deunamist is reaching their physical limits. Unlike a normal color timer, it does not change color but flashes yellow and makes a noise similar to a heartbeat.
- Stratos Edge Blades : The blades on the Next's arms, with concentration they can charge energy either for the Elbow Cutter or Light Blade attack (Particle Feather). In Junis mode, they are enhanced and fully developed allowing for the use of the Elbow Ray Schtrom. They are the precursors of Nexus' Armed Nexus
- Ultra Armor : Unlike most Ultras the Next's Ultra armor does not cover his entire body leaving his sinew like flesh exposed. In Junis mode where the armor was fully developed, while not immune to the momentum, took the One's fireballs without visible damage, whereas entire buildings were being destroyed by them
- The Next's first mode, it has all the basic powers attributed with Ultramen. It was the result of Maki's and Ultraman's incomplete merger and Maki's unpreparedness. Afterwards it served as the Next's default mode as Maki fought in it against the One's third form, unlike other Ultra hosts Maki fought in Ultra form but did not have Ultraman's knowledge to guide him meaning he had to discover all of his abilities as he went along. This form is said to be incomplete, implying that unlike normal Ultra forms, this one only exists simply as a result of Maki and the Next's unfinished merger. The Next's abilities in this form can be seen as underdeveloped.
- Punches : The Next fights with the skills of a boxer, using conventional shots, hooks and uppercuts
- Kicks : Although normal kicks, The Next's kicks are relatively beyond human abilities. One such blow sent The One flying across the room.
- Headlock : The Next posses a powerful headlock, which with his strength is near impossible to get out of. When he does this he usually follows up with several knee strikes to the opponent's head.
- Stratos Edge : The blades on Next's arm, they can be charged with energy through concentration to perform the Phase feather or be used as cutting blades. Their name is often mistaken for the name of the Next's Specium Ray like attack.
- Elbow Cutter : Like their name subtly implies, the Stratos Edge are blades, with concentration they can be charged with the same energy used for the phase feather and used to slice through things. The energy can be fired as an arc shaped burst of energy fired using the blades on his arms.
- Flash Travel : Next can traverse vast distances as a ball of light.
- Acceleration : Next can move quickly as a glowing blur of light.
- Assimilation : Next can fuse with a human host, reviving them if they are dead and granting them abilities such as increased strength, durability and well as ESP.
- Size Change : Next can grow in size, at the same time moving at super speed
- Mode Change : Next can change into Junis Mode while at the same time moving at super speed and changing his size
Junis Form
- Anphans Form
- Origin : Implied To Be Born From Supernova
- Type : Ultras
- Age : Over 350,000 years or older
- Transformation Device : Will Power
- Height : 40 m
- Weight : 26,000 tons
- Punching :
- Kicking :
- Jump Height :
- Running Speed :
- Armed :
- Weakness :
- Finisher :
- Appearances : ULTRAMAN (2004 Film)
- The Next's evolved form Junis, offers greater strength and speed to that of Anphans mode. The Next retains all the powers of his previous form but they are now more powerful versions of his prior form's. His Stratos Edge blades have evolved to become more powerful. It is the precursor of the Armed Nexus later seen in Nexus. This form is first used in the last battle against The One when he grew to his second last form and rampaged in the city. Maki transformed while increasing his size and using acceleration to save a little girl and her mother from a falling building. It is in this form that Maki and Ultraman complete their assimilation with each other, only to separate shortly after the battle was won.
Ray Techniques
- Lambda Thrasher : Next can now fire the predecessor of the Particle Feather attack in the form of much larger arcs using both hands or by charging up both arms for twin attacks.
- Elbow-Ray-Schtrom : Also known as the Final Light or Stratos Edge by fans, it is the The Next's Specium Ray like beam, vaporized the space beast called The One. Its name comes from how it is performed, by Next bringing together his Stratos Edge blades located by his elbows, then pulling them apart when fully charged and then placing them in the classic cross position. Unlike normal Ultra Beams, the particles do not flow evenly, instead in an oscillating fashion. It has the feature of causing the target to break down at the molecular level into glowing blue particles, a trait inherited by the later 'Ray-Schtroms' used by Nexus.
- Ultra Powers : Junis mode is the true form of The Next, since Anphans mode was his underdeveloped form, Junis mode boasts greater strength, speed and durability as well as more developed attacks (Stratos Edge blades). All of the Techniques from his previous form of accessible in this form but would be more powerful given his evolved state.
- Flight : Like any Ultra the Next can fly under his own power, but Maki only discovered this in Junis mode.
Ultraman The Next SparkDoll
- Main Articles : Ultraman The Next Spark Doll
- Height : 14 cm
- Weight : 150 g
- In Ultraman Ginga, Dark Lugiel appeared and turned every Ultra alongside their allies, monsters and aliens into Spark Dolls. As there has been no appearance of his Spark Doll. Regardless, with Lugiel's defeat all the Spark Dolls were free of their curse and returned from whence they came.
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Source :
wikipedia / ultra.wikia